Enhancing Capacity for Low Emissions Development Strategies Clean Energy (EC-LEDS)
Status: Complete
Organization: USAID
The goal of the program was to support Georgia's efforts to increase climate change mitigation through energy efficiency and clean energy initiatives. The broader goal is to enable more responsible management and development of Georgia's natural endowments. The objectives of the program are to: (1) support Georgian municipalities in institutionalizing and implementing climate change mitigation measures; (2) promote and facilitate private-sector investments in energy efficiency and green buildings; and (3) build the capacity of the Government of Georgia (GOG) to develop and implement a national Low Emissions Development Strategy in support of the USG's ECLEDS initiative. During the five years of the program, EC-LEDS Clean Energy is expected to reduce GHG emissions in Georgia by at least 236,372.9 metric tons of C02 equivalent, facilitate up to $14 million in private sector investments in clean energy, and lead to energy savings of up to 315 GWh (the equivalent of approximately $22 million).